Before you read any of these blogs…


If you’ve somehow found yourself here, I feel I owe you honesty right from the get go.

Every blog you read in this site is for me. I don’t care too much about whether you agree or disagree, whether you think my views should be locked away in a dungeon or shouted from a rooftop. 

If I wanted that, I’d post more often on Twitter (robhollingswor7, by the way 😉). That’s the place to meet those self-righteous enough to tell you you’re always wrong or subscribing to views that are “so last week”.

So this is my version of keeping a journal. I want the opportunity to write down my thoughts so that I can come back to make sense of them, organise them into something that will help me and those I lead.

If that works for you, stick around. You’re going to get blogs about leadership and how it is impacted by human relationships more that anything else; about mistakes that I’ve made and the lessons learnt along the way; about how understanding psychology and biology will help your leadership style; and probably some other stuff too  

If you are already in ‘camp criticise’, sorry for wasting 2 minutes of your time. Close the window and move on. 

If you fancy coming along for the journey, welcome. It’s nice to think there may be some likeminded people out there. 

If you’d like to help out wonderful school, please consider buying a book from our Amazon Wishlist.


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